
聯(lián)系我們:電話: 0755-27876565手機(jī): 189 2460 0166Q Q: 857950243立即咨詢郵箱: yijindz@163.com


來(lái)源:http://www.element79mechanical.com 作者:yijin 2023年08月12

Crystek Corporation成立于1958年,是射頻微波和頻率控制行業(yè)的高性能技術(shù)世界領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。Crystek Corporation的廣泛產(chǎn)品包括各種終端市場(chǎng),包括無(wú)線、微波無(wú)線電、電信、工業(yè)、企業(yè)、航空航天和政府部門。


自1958年以來(lái),Crystek Corporation一直提供頻率產(chǎn)品,包括石英晶體、XOs(時(shí)鐘振蕩器)、TCXOs(溫補(bǔ)晶體振蕩器)、VCO(壓控振蕩器)和VCXOs(壓控晶體振蕩器)。Crystek運(yùn)營(yíng)著兩個(gè)致力于頻率控制的部門。Crystek Crystals致力于開(kāi)發(fā)和制造使用石英諧振器的頻率產(chǎn)品。Crystek Microwave為微波行業(yè)開(kāi)發(fā)頻率控制和支持產(chǎn)品。其他產(chǎn)品包括:PLL(鎖相環(huán))頻率合成器、RedBox VCOs、射頻同軸電纜組件、射頻電纜連接器、散裝射頻同軸電纜、射頻功率檢測(cè)器、濾波器、衰減器、直流電模塊、無(wú)源倍頻器、RFPRO(袖珍參考振蕩器)、連接器放大器、VCO評(píng)估板、RF實(shí)驗(yàn)室套件、基于SAW的時(shí)鐘振蕩器和vcxo以及電源調(diào)節(jié)器。


我們訓(xùn)練有素的工程師為Crystek Corporation提供研究、開(kāi)發(fā)和技術(shù)支持,以開(kāi)發(fā)高質(zhì)量的定制產(chǎn)品,滿足我們不同客戶群的復(fù)雜需求。

ISO 9001認(rèn)證




  • 鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP) < 0.1%
  • 鄰苯二甲酸芐丁酯(BBP) < 0.1%
  • 鎘< 0.01%
  • 鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP) < 0.1%
  • 鄰苯二甲酸二異丁酯(DIBP) < 0.1%
  • 六價(jià)鉻(CrVI) < 0.1%
  • 鉛含量< 0.1%
  • 汞含量< 0.1%
  • 多溴聯(lián)苯< 0.1%
  • 多溴聯(lián)苯酯(PBDE) < 0.1%
Founded in 1958, Crystek Corporation is a high performance technological world leader in the RF microwave and frequency control industry. Crystek Corporation’s broad product offerings include a diverse range of end markets including wireless, microwave radio, telecom, industrial, enterprise, aerospace, and government sectors.
Crystek Corporation® has been providing frequency products since 1958, including quartz crystals, XOs (Clock Oscillators), TCXOs (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators), VCOs (Voltage Controlled Oscillators), and VCXOs (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators). Crystek operates two divisions dedicated to frequency control. Crystek Crystals is dedicated to the development and manufacture of frequency products using quartz-based resonators. Crystek Microwave develops frequency control and support products for the microwave industry. Other products include: PLL (Phase Lock Loop) Synthesizers, RedBox VCOs, RF Coaxial Cable Assemblies, RF Cable Connectors, Bulk RF Coaxial Cable, RF Power Detectors, Filters, Attenuators, 
DC Blocks, Passive Doublers, RFPRO (Pocket Reference Oscillators), Connectorized Amplifiers, VCO Evaluation Boards, RF Lab Kits, SAW based Clock Oscillators and VCXOs, and Power Regulators.
Product packages range from standard industry designs to Crystek Corporation’s own solutions such as Connectorized RedBox, PRO, and EZEE Connect connectors.


Our highly trained engineers provide Crystek Corporation with the research, development, and technical support to develop high quality customized products that serve our diverse customer base with complex needs.

ISO 9001 Certification

Crystek Corporation is an ISO9001:2015 certified organization with its corporate headquarters located in Fort Myers, Florida.
Crystek Corporation is committed to meeting market demand for RoHS products that are fully compliant with Directive 2015/863 of 31 March 2015 amending Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament.

Crystek products identified as RoHS compliant will meet the requirement of compliance for:

RoHS Compliant Parts
  • Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) < 0.1%
  • Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) < 0.1%
  • Cadmium (Cd) < 0.01%
  • Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) < 0.1%
  • Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) < 0.1%
  • Hexavalent Chromium (CrVI) < 0.1%
  • Lead (Pb) < 0.1%
  • Mercury (Hg) < 0.1%
  • Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB) < 0.1%
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Esters (PBDE) < 0.1%
    原廠代碼 品牌 型號(hào) 類型 頻率 頻率穩(wěn)定度 工作溫度
    CCLD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-125.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 125MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-125.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 125MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-125.000 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 125MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCLD-033-50-156.250 Crystek Corporation CCLD XO (Standard) 156.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-161.1328 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 161.1328MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-161.1328 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 161.1328MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-161.1328 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 161.1328MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-034-50-200.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-034 XO (Standard) 200MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-575-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCHD-575 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-575-50-80.000 Crystek Corporation CCHD-575 XO (Standard) 80MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCSO-914X-250.000 Crystek Corporation CCSO SO (SAW) 250MHz ±100ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CCSO-914X-1000.000 Crystek Corporation CCSO SO (SAW) 1GHz ±100ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CCSO-914X3-1000 Crystek Corporation CCSO SO (SAW) 1GHz ±120ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CVCSO-914-1000 Crystek Corporation CVCSO VCSO (SAW) 1GHz +100ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    CXOH20-BP-10.000 Crystek Corporation CXOH20 TCXO 10MHz ±1ppm -10°C ~ 60°C
    CCSO-014-1090.000 Crystek Corporation CCSO SO (SAW) 1.09GHz ±250ppm -55°C ~ 105°C
    CE3391-8.000 Crystek Corporation C33 XO (Standard) 8MHz ±25ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CCPD-033-50-77.760 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 77.76MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-77.760 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 77.76MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-77.760 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 77.76MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-106.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 106.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-106.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 106.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-033-50-106.250 Crystek Corporation CCPD-033 XO (Standard) 106.25MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-950-50-45.1584 Crystek Corporation CCHD-950 XO (Standard) 45.1584MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-950-50-80.000 Crystek Corporation CCHD-950 XO (Standard) 80MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-957-25-22.5792 Crystek Corporation CCHD-957 XO (Standard) 22.5792MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-950-50-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCHD-950 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-575X-20-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-575 XO (Standard) 100MHz ±20ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CVSS-945-122.880 Crystek Corporation CVSS-945 VCXO 122.88MHz - 0°C ~ 70°C
    CVCSO-914-245.760 Crystek Corporation CVCSO-914 VCSO (SAW) 245.76MHz ±200ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    CVS575-622.080 Crystek Corporation CVS575 VCSO (SAW) 622.08MHz ±150ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    CVS575S-500.000 Crystek Corporation CVS575S VCSO (SAW) 500MHz -150ppm, +100ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    CVPD-970X-622.080 Crystek Corporation CVPD-970 VCXO 622.08MHz ±25ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CPRO33-100.000 Crystek Corporation CPRO XO (Standard) 100MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CPRO33-10.000 Crystek Corporation CPRO XO (Standard) 10MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    PPRO30-10.000 Crystek Corporation PPRO TCXO 10MHz ±2.5ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    RFPRO33-500.000 Crystek Corporation RFPRO SO (SAW) 500MHz -150ppm, +100ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    RFPRO33-1000.000 Crystek Corporation RFPRO SO (SAW) 1GHz -150ppm, +100ppm -20°C ~ 70°C
    CPRO33-20.000 Crystek Corporation CPRO XO (Standard) 20MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    PPRO30-40.000 Crystek Corporation PPRO TCXO 40MHz ±2.5ppm -20°C ~ 75°C
    CRBSCS-01-80.000 Crystek Corporation CRBSCS, RedBox RF Clock Source 80MHz ±25ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CRBSCS-01-250.000 Crystek Corporation CRBSCS, RedBox RF Clock Source 250MHz ±150ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CRBSCS-01-1000.000 Crystek Corporation CRBSCS, RedBox RF Clock Source 1GHz ±150ppm -40°C ~ 85°C
    CCO-083-100.000 Crystek Corporation CCO XO (Standard) 100MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    C3391-4.096 Crystek Corporation C33 XO (Standard) 4.096MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    C3391-4.096 Crystek Corporation C33 XO (Standard) 4.096MHz ±25ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-575-25-22.5792 Crystek Corporation CCHD-575 XO (Standard) 22.5792MHz - 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-575-50-125.000 Crystek Corporation CCHD-575 XO (Standard) 125MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCHD-950-50-49.152 Crystek Corporation CCHD-950 XO (Standard) 49.152MHz ±50ppm 0°C ~ 70°C
    CCPD-575X-20-80.000 Crystek Corporation CCPD-575 XO (Standard) 80MHz ±20ppm -40°C ~ 85°C





誠(chéng)征下列地區(qū) 晶振 | 石英晶振 | 圓柱晶振 | 貼片晶振 | 陶瓷晶振 | 石英晶體諧振器 | 頻率元件 的合作伙伴:
深圳市 廣州市 北京 上海 東莞 佛山 中山 順德 珠海 杭州 溫州 武漢 長(zhǎng)沙 南京 大連 長(zhǎng)春 西安 鄭州 澳門 沈陽(yáng) 南寧 昆明 濟(jì)南 重慶 成都
kf 億金微信號(hào)